Interview by Benedetta Lattanzi
Grammy Award nominated Stacey Kent, spent some time out of her busy schedule to talk with Tempi-Dispari about her ongoing tour, her passion for music and future plans.

Hello Ms. Kent and thank you for your time. Last week you started your spring tour that will take you to nine countries. How is it going so far?
It is going very well, thank you! We will see some old friends because our tour will take us to some places that we have been before but also to some new places that we will be visiting for the first time. I am especially excited to performing in Rome for the very first time, for example!

Is there a place you have never visited and in which you would like to perform?
We have travellled for many years now and been to so many countries. However, we’ve never been to New Zealand. I am sure it will happen one day but it takes planning! I would also like to go to Greenland.

In your latest album, The Changing Lights, we can clearly see you have a particular kind of love for brazilian music. What makes it so special to you?
Brazilian music is a music where sadness and optimism coexist very naturally. I am a naturally optimistic person and so even when I am singing sad songs, I like to think that there can still be a happy ending. There is also a quiet intensity to a lot of the music that resonates very strongly in me.

Why did you choose jazz music and what was the event that made you say: “Ok, I want to do this, no matter what.”? Why?
I always sang, even when I was little. But the turning point was when I to England and met my husband, Jim Tomlinson. There was a very strong attraction (of course!) but we also found that we were very strong musical partners as well. We inspired each other and continue to do so.

What does it mean to you, and what kind of emotions does music bring to you?
I think music is a safe place to explore all kinds of emotions. There is a lot of sadness in my music, but it is sadness with a smile. There are some songs that make me cry because they are so beautiful. However, there must be a grain of hope in them. I don’t sing songs that don’t have that.

What are your future plans?
Aside from touring, I am preparing an album of Standards with Roberto Menescal, the Brazilian guitarist/composer. It’s more than 10 years since I made a standards album and for Roberto, it’s the first time, so it’s very exciting. There is also a documentary and a DVD about my collaboration with the wonderful Marcos Valle. So it’s a very busy time for me.

Lastly, do you have a message for your italian fans?
Ci vediamo!

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